When you think of lab-made biological robots, you might picture something out of a horrifying science fiction novel, but a team of researchers is using these aptly named “biobots” for good. Scientists at Tufts University and Harvard University’s Wyss Institute recently evaluated how tiny living robots can repair damaged tissue without external stimulation, potentially paving the way for life-changing regenerative technology.
Understanding the Function of Biobots
In a study recently published in Advanced Science, scientists at Tufts University and Harvard University’s Wyss Institute sought to answer one question: Could man-made living robots be designed to heal damaged cells in the human body?
First, the team created the bots themselves, formally called Anthrobots and nicknamed “biobots,” short for “biological robots.” The bots were created from self-healing human tracheal cells taken from adult human donors. The tracheal cells were chosen for a number of reasons. First, the cells are covered in cilia, which are hair-like growths that help the cell move without external stimulus — almost like a small boat moving across a stream. Second, these cells exude the regenerative potential necessary for this project. In other words, tracheal cells have the structural capability to repair other damaged cells; moreover, the healing power of tracheal cells is completely innate, without any external DNA modification or necessary stimulus from the members of the research team.
Biobots Offer Exciting Healing Potential
The self-propelled bots may be tiny — some are no wider than a human hair — but they’re a promising starting point for cellular regeneration, or repairing damaged cell tissue. Why? Not only can these bots heal themselves, but also they’re capable of healing other cells.
The scientists tested the Anthrobots’ healing potential by intentionally damaging a lab-grown layer of human neurons in a petri dish, and then placing a cluster of bots on either side of the wound. The researchers observed something astounding: The bots were, indeed, able to regenerate the damaged neurons, creating a sort of bridge over the wound in a pattern that the scientists called a “mechanical stitch.”
The Future of Biobot Technology
With expanded use, the microscopic biobots could be a starting point in regenerative medicine. Potential applications could include repairing tissue damaged by degenerative conditions like cancer. However, the biobots may have expanded potential outside of regenerative capacities; the research team also posited that the biobots could be used to clear harmful substances from the body — for example, eliminating plaque buildup in the heart arteries of heart disease patients.
“It is fascinating and completely unexpected that normal patient tracheal cells, without modifying their DNA, can move on their own and encourage neuron growth across a region of damage,” study co-lead Michael Levin, Ph.D., said in the team’s press release. “We’re now looking at how the healing mechanism works, and asking what else these constructs can do.” These biobots may be tiny, but their potential is virtually endless when it comes to revolutionizing the field of medicine.
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