The role of Mg in human nutrition has recently received renewed interest. Mg dietary intake has been reported to have decreased during the last 100 years in Western countries. For example, in the US it is often below the recommended dietary allowances. Decreased Mg intake and/or low serum Mg have been associated with a number of major public health concerns such as type II diabetes, coronary heart disease, and osteoporosis.
Nutrient bioavailability depends not only upon the amount consumed, but also on how well it is absorbed. However, little is known about factors influencing Mg absorption. It is postulated that bound Mg may be absorbed better than in organic Mg (similar to heme iron and non-heme iron absorption).
The new magnesium (Mg) ICP-MS assays developed and validated by QPS are suitable for measuring the change in Mg concentrations in collected blood and urine samples after intake of oral magnesium solutions. Our clinical development consultants will be able to advise you as to the most suitable study design for determining Mg absorption.
Search the complete listing of our assays with the online QPS Assay Finder, or get the free QPS Assay Finder App from iTunes or the Google Play Store.