At QPS, we work with a team of Research Physicians, who are all young professionals pursuing a career in Drug Development and/or Clinical Pharmacology. For the past several years, QPS Netherlands has been an official training site for up and coming Clinical Pharmacologists, in close collaboration with the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology at the University Medical Center Groningen (QPS supervisor: Professor Zuzana Diamant, pulmonologist-clinical pharmacologist).
‘’It has been a great pleasure to join QPS-Netherlands in February 2018. I have a background in internal medicine and geriatrics, which have been very helpful in managing subject safety – an important portion of my daily tasks at the CPU unit. I have been able to collaborate closely with PI’s Dr Christine Voors and Dr Khalid Abd-Elaziz on several phase 1 and phase 2 studies, which has been an exciting learning process in the realm of clinical research. An exciting project I have worked closely on is a phase 2a study involving a novel kisspeptin analog to stimulate the release of GnRH intended to induce ovulation in infertile women undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation (COS). I have been impressed by the excellent teamwork and the energetic team members that all play a part in an excellent performance in conducting a clinical trial. I am excited to start a traineeship in Clinical Pharmacology soon and look forward to working to make future studies a success. ‘’
Christel Romeijn, MD, Research Physician
‘’As a research physician at QPS-Netherlands, I mainly focus on respiratory clinical studies, in close collaboration with Dr Khalid Abd-Elaziz and under supervision of our Medical Director Respiratory Professor Zuzana Diamant. When I started working here in April 2018, I was intrigued by this center’s high expertise in respiratory, and their advanced technical equipment. Recently we installed two new respiratory rooms packed with more innovative tests to assess several aspects of lung characteristics (physiology, biomarkers). To be working in this field you need to be flexible and able to perform a large variety of study-related activities. One moment I am assisting in an allergen challenge test, while the next moment I am involved in recruitment strategies for the next big research project. This can be both challenging but also quite exciting: never a dull moment! ‘’
Wytze Aalders, MD, Research Physician