QPS Neuropharmacology and the research group of Marcello Leopoldo from the University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy, are collaborating on a funded research project related to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Funding by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) to perform the whole study within the frame of the industry-related PhD program (“Industrienahe Dissertation”) has been granted recently; thus, the cooperative project will start in the next few weeks.
The newly hired PhD student will validate three different ASD mouse models in parallel. In these models, a series of new ASD compounds developed by Marcello Leopoldo and his team will be tested for their efficacy. The experiments will be performed at QPS Austria and during visits to the University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy.
Over the last five years, QPS Neuropharmacology was granted and successfully ran four industry-related PhD programs all in the field of neurodegeneration. With this new program, QPS is expanding its psychiatric disorders-related research portfolio.
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